Certified Dementia Practioner (CDP) & Reminiscence Program Information

Seniors Reminiscing About Mason Jars & Its Interesting History

John Lanis Mason invented the Mason Jar on November 30th 1858. In 1884 the Ball corporation began manufacturing glass home “canning” jars. This was the product that established Ball as a household name in this industry. Ball used the design and licensed the Mason Jar. This became a very popular brand in the canning industry. Canning was popular especially in the 1800’s into the early 1900’s because it was a great way to preserve fruits and vegetables. Preserving food by canning was a practical way to keep food fresh as refrigeration was not as readily available. This was necessary as there was deep concern about food borne illness like listeria, e Coli, and botulism. Do your seniors recall this time?

Your seniors may recall a lot of these different jar brands. I have found many different varieties. Seniors may reminisce about using Ball, Mason, Economy, and may other popular jar brands. A sad an interesting side note was that after 20 years the Mason designed jars patent had expired and John Mason never really attained any wealth from his unique and practical design invention. He lived a “meager existence” until his death in 1902.

The jars unique design, color, and weight all are very iconic. They were practical and some would say beautiful designed items of the past. Ironically these jars are gaining popularity again especially since COVID according to the latest google search results and a revitalized surge in sales. One can only speculate that this is because of the percieved need for self reliance, and more time spent at home. Interesting how these cycles in society happen. Mason jars are still used today for Victory Gardens are a thing of the past. Thankfully seniors can share these interesting stories of days gone by.

One of the interesting things that I have learned (or relearned) while conducting these reminiscence programs is about Victory Gardens. I can vaguely remember a show on PBS called the Victory Garden. Seniors can tell us a lot about this period of time in United States history. Essentially Victory Gardens (also known as War Gardens) were a way for people in the United States to prevent starvation and gain self sufficiency. Gardening was essentially considered a civic duty. This made the use of Mason Jars a popular choice for the citizens of the United States but also in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Germany. It was estimated that nearly 40% of American vegetables were produced at home, community, or in school gardens. Many seniors recall these patriotic days.

Did your seniors and or their parents have a vegetable garden? Did they can? Did they use Mason Jars? What types of vegetables did they can? Love to hear the responses!

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Discussing Dementia And Reminiscing On The Roger That Podcast

I was going to add a new post here about one of the hundreds of artifacts that we utilize during the Memory Detecting Senior Reminiscence Program as I often do. It’s fun to drill down on one of these vintage artifacts and provide details and context about them as it relates to our seniors and their memories. It is especially interesting after doing so many of these programs because of the things that I have learned from the seniors about the artifact.

However today I decided to post a link to a recent Podcast Interview. Barbara and Mike Carducci reached out to me and asked if I would share information about the Memory Detecting program www.memorydetecting.com to their listeners and I was happy to do so.

Here is the link to the Roger That Podcast interview below.


Hope You Enjoy.
